Latest screening guidelines for COVID-19 (03/09/2020)

All health care providers should be prepared to identify, collect specimens, and care for patients under investigation for COVID-19. Health care providers should immediately notify infection control personnel at their health care facility if they identify a person meeting the PUI for COVID-19 criteria below.

Specimen Collection for a PUI for COVID-19 for Testing at Bureau of Public Health Laboratories.

Specimens from patients meeting the first four (1-4) testing criteria above can be tested at the Bureau of Public Health Laboratories.

For initial diagnostic testing for COVID-19, CDC recommends collecting and testing upper respiratory (nasopharyngeal AND oropharyngeal swabs), and lower respiratory (sputum, if possible) for those patients with productive coughs. Induction of sputum is not recommended. Specimens should be collected as soon as possible once a PUI is identified, regardless of the time of symptom onset. Please consult your county health department for instructions on shipping to the Bureau of Public Health Laboratories.

Most of you are already well educated about COVID-19 and I am not going to discuss in details about it. Being an ER physician, I just want you to know what we do when we suspect a COVID-19 patient. We designate those patients as person under investigation (PUI). I work at Memorial Hospital Jacksonville(Duval county) and we see 90,000-100,000 patients per year in our Emergency Department. We are the first line of defense and here is our triage criteria for COVID-19 suspect:

For group one:

For group two & three:

In addition to above (excluding #6 and #7):

Treatment/ Prophylaxis:

Following medicines show promising and currently under investigation:


Mohammed Quader, MD

Graduated from chittagong medical college in 1987. Did internship & Residency at The Jamaica Hospital in New York from 1993 through 1996. ER Physician at Southern Ohio medical center from 1996 through 2003. ER physician at Memorial Hospital Jacksonville from 2004 through 2030. Board certified in both Emergency Medicine & Internal Medicine.


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