BMANAFL 2023 Registration


Physicians and Sponsors Registration and Payment

Please register and pay by credit card (preferred), check or pay onsite later.

Better value, be a Silver Sponsor - Includes Hotel Double bed 2 nights, Dinner (2), and Registration (1) - Value $729

If you need to add additional dinner tickets for guests/children or physicians registration, please use appropriate options below sponsor box. If you do not, just pay the sponsored amount, and leave all other boxes blank.


All payments are final and non-refundable

SKU: bmanafl-convention-ticket Category:



Florida Hotel & Conference Center 1500 Sand Lake Rd, Orlando, FL 32809

Venue info : BMANAFL Reservation

Contact :
Mujibur Rahman, MD 646-483-9029
Mosharraf Hossain, MD   304-906-9185

Group code : BMANAFL

Hotel Registration

Date : September 29-30, 2023

Registration Fee: Practicing physician $ 100.00 per person and Non-practicing physician $ 50.00 per person
Gala Dinner :

  • $100 per person including guests and children age 12 years or above
  • $30 Children age below 12 yrs (Dinner will be provided in a separate room till 10 pm with food, baby-sitter and entertainment)

Program includes CME, business meeting, poster presentation, cocktail hours and grand gala with banquet Dinner, children entertainments, family program and spectacular professional entertainment

This year convention center will allow limited number of participants.

Due to popular demand, one physician family can invite only one non-physician family as guest.

Guest fee will be $300/guest

Children age 12 or below $50

(For example, 4 Guest family

Husband $300
Wife $300
14 yr child $300
10 yr child $50
Total $950 for family of 4)

Please note that Executive committee is happy to announce that “Life Membership” fee will be waived for any physician (currently non-member) who will sponsor any Package (silver, gold or platinum) only for this year’s Orlando convention.


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